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Image by Christian Bowen

About JOIN

The Japanese Organization for NICU Families connects children and families nationwide by working with family associations in Japan.

JOINについて: About Us

Although the treatment results of perinatal care in Japan are among the highest in the world, there is room for improvement in medical care and family support. In particular, children and families admitted to the NICU require advanced medical care, social support and long-term follow-up immediately after birth. Overseas and within Japan, family associations are helping to improve medical care and social support by working with medical institutions and governments. There are several family associations in Japan, each supporting children and their families.


However, there was no network connecting families and family associations nationwide. By developing a network of families, support nationwide will be further enhanced, which will be useful for intensive care, long-term follow-up, and childcare support.


The Japanese Organization for NICU Families (JOIN) will build networks with children (especially children admitted to NICU) and their families nationwide, as well as family associations, and work together toward a common goal. We will work hand-in-hand with various people and organizations from around the world who have the same desire to save children's lives and support their families, and utilize, collaborate, and develop social resources.


We all have different values ​​and roles, but hopefully we can bring people closer together and participate in building a society filled with kindness and compassion.


We hope that our activities will be useful to children and their families in Japan.


Takeshi Arimitsu, Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Medicine

Satoshi Kusuda, Department of Pediatrics, Kyorin University



当法人は一般社団法人日本NICU家族会機構と称し、英文では“Japanese Organization for NICU Families (略称:JOIN)と表示する。




  1. 家族交流の場の創設、支援

  2. トランスレーショナルリサーチ(橋渡し研究)や臨床研究・治験の実施、支援

  3. 会報及びその他の刊行物の発行

  4. 国内外の関連組織との連携、協力、情報発信

  5. 家族会、学術集会、討論会及び研究会の開催

  6. その他前各号に掲げる事業に付帯または関連する一切の事業












1 基金の返還に係る債権には、利息を付さない。基金は、当法人が解散するときまで返還しない。

2 基金の返還に係る債権は、社員総会の承認を得なければ、譲渡または質入れ並びにその他の処分をすることはできない。

3 基金の返還に係る債権の債権者は、当法人について、破産、民事再生手続、その他一切の法的倒産手続の開始の申立権を有しない。




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